Welcome to Buckland Parish Council
Parish Duties
Buckland Parish Council has 7 Councillors who stand for election every four years. The duties and functions of a Parish Council are many and varied.
The Council meets monthly and considers planning applications and any other matters referred to it by local residents, Buckinghamshire Council and central government. All meetings are open to the public and there is a forum before the start of the meeting at which members of the public can raise concerns and ask questions. There is also an Annual Parish Meeting which is open to all parishioners to attend. All meetings are advertised on the council notice boards and website. Residents can bring to the attention of the Parish Council anything that concerns them, either directly to a Parish Councillor or via the Clerk. If matters raised are not the responsibility of the council, the Clerk can bring them to the attention of the proper authority.
Don’t take our word for it!
The best way to find out what it’s like to be a Parish Councillor is to talk to someone who’s doing it now. Come along to a Parish Council meeting, or speak to one of our councillors and find out what they think of the job.
Message from Buckland Parish Council Chairman Cllr Nigel Hayward
The Parish Council are custodians of the village on behalf of the residents within Buckland Parish. Our goal is to ensure that growth of the village is in keeping with the culture, the environment and the needs of Buckland Parish Community. We aim to make information available to parish residents and visitors alike. The information available relates to matters affecting the village and the running of the parish council. We also host general information about the village.
Please contact us if you have questions concerning the work of the Parish Council, if you have any concerns that you feel the Council should be aware of or where it can help or support you.
One week before each of the council meetings the agenda for the meeting and a copy of the draft minutes of the previous meeting will be posted. You will then see the matters that are currently being discussed by the council and decide if you wish to have input, either by attending the meeting to give your opinion in the public participation slot, or by contacting the Clerk or one of your Councillors in advance of the meeting.